scholarship of integration
career programming for undeclared students
Destination Exploration is cambus-based advising partnership designed to support undeclared students as they navigate the major and career decision-making process.
The program provides students complete support through a three-tier advising system including a career advisor, faculty advisor, and peer ambassador.
career programming
for first-generation students
Career Passport is an innovative program designed to support first and second-year students in their career preparation and provide an introduction to career development and decision-making as an undergraduate. Through Career Passport, students gain academic credit to participate in a series of career-related events and activities, such as resume creation and review and meeting with their Career Advisor.
dissertation to graduation and other post-poc pursuits
In this Career Capstone course, doctoral candidates prepare for the journey out of their doctoral studies. This capstone is largely a personal discernment of one's place in higher education, the culmination of the doctoral journey, and an examination of a variety of post-graduate professional development opportunities.
Click here for a report on the course outcomes.
EdD orientation
EdDOC was designed for students beginning coursework in the doctoral of Higher Ed program. The content was carefully constructed around foundational themes geared toward transitioning practitioners to the academic rigor of doctoral studies. The orientation provides an overview of six distinct areas: (1) the EdD program, (2) support services, (3) community (4) technology, (5) research, and (6) scholarly writing.
exemplary career center of the year
An early signature program developed during my time in academia, which continues to influence my research, is Generation Merr1mack, an initiative to support the career and professional growth of first-generation college students. In 2013, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) named Generation Merr1mack a finalist for the Diversity and Inclusion Award and in 2015 a finalist for the Member’s Choice Award.
As a result of Generation Merr1mack and key innovative pathways programming to enhance first-generation and the transfer student experiences, the O'Brien Center for Student Success at Merrimack College received the 2015 Exemplary Career Center of the Year award from the National Career Development Association (NCDA) for its exemplary efforts in delivering career support to students.
award for excellence
The Professional Development Seminar (PDS) program at Nichols College was created to offer students an opportunity to take purposeful steps in understanding and improving their interests, abilities, skills, and talents. To foster this development over the duration of the college experience, PDS was designed as a mandatory, one-credit, four-course series beginning with the first college year and ending with the senior year. Each course meticulously builds on the previous, ensuring transitional, career, and professional development support. Each course is accompanied by a course textbook created by the program director and co-director, who also provides all faculty training for instructors who teach the courses.
The program has won numerous national and regional awards for innovation and excellence.